
My Journey as a Reader

    Hello readers, Welcome to my blog! To start things up, I wanted to share my journey as a reader and how I decided to make reading daily my lifetime goal. Like many others, I learned how to read in school, but I have always been especially interested in books. When I was a kid, I remember watching my mother spend many hours of her weekends reading books seemed to be such an exciting way to spend time. To make me join her during reading time, she would buy packs of comic books and take them home to read to me.  I was always interested in the stories on every comic she'd read, and I always asked her to read the same stories repeatedly. I listened to the stories just so many times. While looking at the pictures in the comics, I memorized what happened on every page. Later on, I'd gather my cousins around and tell them that I had learned how to read; I'd flick through the pages and tell them the story I had memorized from beginning to end. In my head as a kid, it was so cool