I read Red Rising by Pierce Brown and I fucking loved it!

Red Rising (Red Rising Saga, #1)Red Rising by Pierce Brown
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Okay, let's talk about Red Rising!

I ended up reading this book because it was super hyped, at least on my bookstagram feed. It's like you're all reading Red Rising.

To be honest, I did not enjoy the first 50% of this book. I had to kind of work through it. I was bitter and upset, and I thought I would be the odd one who hated this book and wanted nothing to do with it. I thought this would be just Hunger Games going to Mars, but the last 50% proved me wrong.

As Darrow advanced with his plan and the game fastened its pace, things went wild. There were incredible action scenes. I loved Sevro and the Howlers, and I loved how Darrow fought through it all.

I could not stop myself from putting the second book of the series on hold on the library app, and I may consider buying physical copies to have the whole series if it keeps going as the first book went.

If you're wondering why I constantly rate 5 stars, it's because I read awesome books.

View all my reviews


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